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[求助] 庞博士请教, 现在淘宝上卖的GT1是否可以用啊

发表于 2009-7-1 14:52:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在淘宝上看到有GT1卖, 价格从3500 到7000 都有, 不知道这些GT1是否只能诊断不能编程啊?

有没有经验介绍一下, 想搞一个玩一下, 应该比较有意思吧。

在EBAY上卖的差不多要600 美元, 和国内的价格差不多, 只是不知道能否通用?
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发表于 2009-7-1 17:22:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-2 14:52:13 | 只看该作者
原帖由 绿色 于 2009-7-1 17:22 发表
Ps:前几天去 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-2 17:26:45 | 只看该作者
我看了一个相关的东西, 其实GT1 有可以编程的, 因为有GT1 BASIC的区分。要看软件的版本, 分为DIS, TIS 和SSS, 如果DIS 版本是 45以下的就可以进行编程, 45以上的就只能扫描不能编程, 但是 版本45以下的对2006年前的车子都有效, 对这之后的车恐怕没有效, 只有齐全了后才能进行编程, 至于最新的软件也只是兼容以前的, 而且笔记本电脑用的系统都可以使用这些软件, 唯一担心的是破解软件和芯片没有很好的兼容性, 只能扫描代码 不能编程, 我和卖家商量自己带笔记本电脑去他们哪里装, 装好后在车上测试一下, 如果可以的话就买下。
以下是美国BIMMER 对这个软件的介绍, 很多国外的个人都购买了这个软件, 自己编程, 扫描。至于编程的时候对车辆加电, 其实只要保证接头输出电压大于 13.6伏就可以。

WARNING: This thing can and will destroy your ECU if you don't know what you're doing!
Okay, there's not a lot of info. out there on those laptop based GT1s. I did some investigating and it seemed worthwhile to take a chance on it. So, I went ahead and ordered a system (w/o the laptop) along with two others from the forum - whom I won't mention because it's not my call.
I just want to say that I got this specifically for the X, though it can be used for other BMWs. However, there are different software/hardware considerations based on differing software versions and what you want to do with it that its too complicated to go over every single configuration - which I don't know anyways.
I'm just gonna be talking about my personal experience, good and bad, so that others interested can learn more. My purpose is NOT to sway anyone to buy anything but just to share my experience. I'll tell you what I got, what I did and why based on my needs/wants. The results will speak for themselves.
What I bought, and more importantly why, below.
GT1 Basics
GT1 is short for Group Tester One which is BMW's proprietary vehicle diagnosis system. The GT1 is used by BMW dealers to diagnose & program BMW vehicles not just the X5. The GT1 was phased out at the end of 2008 but is still used by the dealerships currently. They have a replacement system being implemented. However, since the E53 ended in 2006 the GT1 is not obsolete for my purposes.
Original BMW GT1 main unit sitting in its docking station

The GT1 is composed of the main unit (BMW calls it the operating unit), software and different diagnostic attachments and communications cables. I will not review all of them here.
To be continued ...
Laptop GT1 Basics :
The laptop replaces the BMW operating unit. The laptop runs the main software called DIS and comes in differing versions. DIS v44 and below can use the DK/Scan Pro (yellow diagnostic head) to diagnose and program. I am using DIS v43 for this exact reason. I would have liked v44 but I could only get v43 at the time.
*** DIS v45 and above can ONLY diagnose - no programming! ***
If you have DIS v45 and above, you actually have to use another system called SSS to program. SSS can only program using a different diagnostic head called OPS/OPPS and is usually used for vehicles with the MOST bus.
To be continued ...
Terminology :
DIS = Diagnosis and Information Sytem
TIS = Technical Information System
SSS = Software Service Station
Encoding =
Programming =
To be continued ...
IBM ThinkPad T30 laptop ($195 shipped from Ebay):
Apparently the original GT1 hardware specs are very similar to the IBM ThinkPad T30. That's why sellers insist using the T30. I bought mine off ebay (2 GHz, 512MB RAM, 40GB HDD, WiFi, DVD). The T30 does not officially support more than 1GB of RAM but the system WILL recognize up to 2 GB.

Laptop GT1 Kit ($656 incl. shipping from www.yohotech.com):
(1) - HDD (DIS v43)
(2) - VMware CDs, DIS v55 and SSS 32
(1) - LAN Cable
(1) - 16 Pin OBD-II Cable (square head)
(1) - 20 Pin Diagnostic Cable (round head)
(1) - DK/Scan Pro Diagnostic Head (yellow multiplexer)
This was purchased from:
www.yohotech.com, contact Jackey He at info@yohotech.com or jackey@yohotech.com. Please let him know you are from X5world.

IBM ThinkPad T30

HDD with DIS v43

VMware CDs

LAN Cable

16 Pin OBD-II Cable

20 Pin Diagnostic Cable

DK / Scan Pro Diagnostic Head

20pinhd.jpg (187.28 KB, 下载次数: 151)


OBD2.jpg (180.75 KB, 下载次数: 168)


LAN.jpg (177.25 KB, 下载次数: 157)


GT1Scanpro.jpg (131.97 KB, 下载次数: 166)


HDD.jpg (209.3 KB, 下载次数: 156)

发表于 2009-7-2 20:51:36 | 只看该作者
我的朋友有一台这个GT1,说实话买到现在用的次数<10,不是不愿意去用而是实在是手册太烂,没有足够的信息量,而且说真的,有几个人敢去动ECU?原厂的我也不敢去随便改,只有aftermarket的东西,例如megasquirt才能搞搞,你有一台能scan code的就足够了,编程的话,例如MAP, MAF sensor的数据如何匹配,cam overlapping, high rpm dynamic efficiency等等这些参数如果没有拆过车,仔细研究过的话,根本不可能搞得明白。有些东西要有很深的理论基础才能高的好。就举一个例子,例如计算injector pulse width,要知道最少10几个参数,例如iat, iap, map, air density, fuel density, afr, throttle position等等,计算公式就更长了,如果不知道这些的话,建议还是先要看看一些液体工质的书。

就算能搞好,也不见得很提高多少,上次我测过e30 m3的285度cam写出来的程序也只是比原来的好大约15%。所以。。。

还有,貌似这个GT1用的是IBM的T30笔记本,好像不能兼容别的笔记本,i can be wrong though
发表于 2009-7-2 22:16:09 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-2 23:02:55 | 只看该作者
原帖由 mianhuatang 于 2009-7-2 20:51 发表

你说的完全对, 但是也可以用GT1改变一些基本的功能, 例如灯光功能, 钥匙记忆等等

美国有些BIMMER在讨论得热火朝天的, 看得心痒痒了, 我看有些人不用T30也可以, 但是电脑的设置比较麻烦, 用T30就比较方便些, 其实有些时候用这个可以感受到动手的乐趣。

[ 本帖最后由 wangch 于 2009-7-2 23:04 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-2 23:05:52 | 只看该作者
原帖由 绿色 于 2009-7-2 22:16 发表

从经济上肯定是划不来的, 去维修点测试一次就200, 编程似乎要400吧, 关键是自己能用几次而已
发表于 2009-7-3 00:07:10 | 只看该作者
原帖由 wangch 于 2009-7-2 11:02 PM 发表

你说的完全对, 但是也可以用GT1改变一些基本的功能, 例如灯光功能, 钥匙记忆等等

美国有些BIMMER在讨论得热火朝天的, 看得心痒痒了, 我看有些人不用T30也可以, 但是电脑的设置比较麻烦, 用T30就比较方便些, 其实有些时候 ...

为了改个灯光就花$700,我觉得这个代价大了点。。。如果真的要编程玩性能我觉得也没的说,可是这些钱花在别的地方,改进要更明显,google bang for the bucks
发表于 2009-7-3 12:39:47 | 只看该作者
Wang您好, GT one 可能诊断,设码与编程, 但设码与编程只能对旧款车如E38,E39等对于E66,E70则不行,而且GT one 的低版本软件才有此设码与编程的功能. 高版本软件则没有了. 使用GT one 除了需知道GT one 的操作外, 还需了解车上各系统的工作原理及相关的一些基础信息,也正如棉花糖所说.
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