Arthur 发表于 2008-3-5 18:31:00



企业社会责任CSR=Corporate Social Responsibility

社团社会责任是不是也是CSR=Community Social Responsibility

                              还是SSR=Societies Social Responsibility?

宝马雕车香满路 发表于 2008-3-5 18:48:00

回复: 关于CSR


草蜢 发表于 2008-3-5 19:08:00


"Community Social Conscience"

所有 发表于 2008-3-5 19:15:00

回复: 关于CSR


企业社会责任CSR=Corporate Social Responsibility
----在Google上有2,480,000个搜索结果。此为正解, 请参考著名第三方认证机构德国莱因公司网站的搜索结果:

Search for: Corporate Social Responsibility
      Result Page:12345678910»    results 1 - 10 of ca. 361

[*]Corporate Social Responsibility - TÜV Rheinland Group21.02.2007... Seitennavigation; Corporate Social Responsibility. ... Corporate Social Responsibility. Das verantwortungsbewusste Unternehmen. In einer ...
[*]Corporate Social Responsibility - TÜV Rheinland Group21.02.2007... Corporate Social Responsibility. The socially responsible corporation. ... Contact. Please Contact us. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). ...

社团社会责任是不是也是CSR=Community Social Responsibility
----google 上只有811个搜索结果,而且词与词之间大多有标点,不连贯。请教过美国同事,她说在英文中好象没有Community Social Responsibility这一说法,统一使用Corporate Social Responsibility。不象中文有“企业”和“社团“的区别

还是SSR=Societies Social Responsibility?
---- google 上只找到9个搜索结果,而且词与词之间都有标点,如:societies, social responsibility。估计不是正解

所有 发表于 2008-3-5 19:38:00



Corporate: 是在法律上有权利和责任性质的团体,这是逐利性质的,也就是我们说的公司。
formed into an association and endowed by law with the rights and liabilities of an individual : incorporated b: of or relating to a corporation <a plan to reorganize the corporate structure> c: of, relating to, or being the large corporations of a country or region considered as a unit <the latest trend in corporate America> d: having qualities (as commercialism or lack of originality) associated with large corporations or attributed to their influence or control <corporate rock music> <corporate art>
2: of, relating to, or formed into a unified body of individuals <human law arises by the corporate action of a people — G. H. Sabine>

1: a unified body of individuals: as a: state, commonwealth b: the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly : the area itself <the problems of a large community> c: an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location d: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society <a community of retired persons> e: a group linked by a common policy f: a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests <the international community> g: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community>

草蜢 发表于 2008-3-5 19:49:00



所有 发表于 2008-3-5 19:53:00



草蜢 发表于 2008-3-5 20:00:00


社团社会责任是不是也是CSR=Community Social Responsibility
----google 上只有811个搜索结果,而且词与词之间大多有标点,不连贯。请教过美国同事,她说在英文中好象没有Community Social Responsibility这一说法,统一使用Corporate Social Responsibility。不象中文有“企业”和“社团“的区别


宝马雕车香满路 发表于 2008-3-5 21:17:00

回复: 关于CSR


OSR=Organization Social Responsibility

SSR=Societies Social Responsibility

所有 发表于 2008-3-5 22:48:00


从网上搜索结果来看, 中英文里好象都没有"社团社会责任"这个概念. Google上只有13个搜索结果.而且都是一些不知名的网站.估计是翻译的问题. 金山词霸是个害人的东东
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